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Products related to F-Secure-Antivirus:
F-Secure Antivirus
Product Information "F-Secure Anti-Virus " F-Secure Anti-Virus software builds on more than 30 years of experience in the industry, identifying, quarantining and neutralizing potential threats before they can cause damage to the device. In addition to viruses and Trojans, the antivirus software also takes care of protection against malware and spyware - without putting an unnecessary strain on the Windows PC's resources. The functions of the software at a glance Protection against viruses, malware, spyware and Trojans reliably removes malware that has already spread without leaving any residue optimized to conserve RAM and the PC's processor with regular updates available for 1 PC or up to 3 PCs Comprehensive protection with F-Secure Anti-Virus for your Windows PC Specifically designed for Windows systems, this anti-virus software identifies malicious software before it causes any damage to your system. To do this, it uses a continuously operating virus scanner that detects even modern and particularly complex viruses and Trojans at an early stage, moves them to quarantine and then asks you to take further action. Furthermore, you can check e-mail attachments immediately after receiving them so that you do not accidentally download malware. Advanced protection for your PC against online threats. Advanced malware protection for your PC. You need advanced detection and protection technology to protect your computer against modern and complex threats. F-Secure Anti-Virus provides real-time protection against viruses, spyware, infected e-mail attachments and other malware. Automatic updates and real-time responses ensure the fastest possible protection against all new threats. Fast response: thanks to real-time scanning and automatic updates F-Secure Anti-Virus takes advantage of both real-time scans and regular automatic updates. So, while the antivirus software is working in the background, you do not have to worry about anything else. When an update is available, for example after new threats appear on the Internet, it is automatically downloaded and installed. The software is thus immediately able to respond to new threats in the digital world. If your Windows PC is already (supposedly) infected with malware or malicious software, the software is able to remove both without leaving any residue. Advanced technologies ensure that even well-hidden malware is removed in a bundled fashion, preventing any potential leftovers from spreading further. The software is optimized so that it does not slow down the Windows PC unnecessarily, and therefore works even on outdated systems - Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 is a basic requirement. System Requirements Details Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 (64-bit) version 21H2 or later macOS 12 (Monterey) or later iOS 16.6 or later Android 10 or later Processor Intel Pentium 4 processor with at least 2 GHz (Windows) RAM 1 GB of RAM (minimum) Graphics Card N/A Sound Card N/A Hard Disk 1.2 GB (on Windows) Screen Minimum screen resolution of 1,024 x 768 pixels Buy smart software: fast & secure at Blitzhandel24 Available for one or three devices, you can download F-Secure Anti-Virus immediately after your purchase at Blitzhandel24 via instant download - so you don't waste time leaving your computer unprotected. Also included is F-Secure's free customer support: If you ever have a concern or question, you can contact the experienced team.
Price: 28.54 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
F-Secure Antivirus 2025
F-Secure Anti Virus: Zaawansowana ochrona Twojego komputera przed zagrożeniami internetowymi Aby chronić komputer przed nowoczesnymi i złożonymi zagrożeniami, potrzebujesz zaawansowanych technologii wykrywania i ochrony. F-Secure Anti-Virus zapewnia ochronę przed wirusami, programami szpiegującymi, zainfekowanymi załącznikami wiadomości e-mail i innym złośliwym oprogramowaniem. Automatyczne aktualizacje i reakcje w czasie rzeczywistym gwarantują najszybszą ochronę przed wszystkimi nowymi zagrożeniami. Program F-Secure Anti-Virus jest łatwy w instalacji i nie spowalnia działania komputera. Dlaczego F-Secure Antivirus ? Łatwy w instalacji i obsłudze, dzięki czemu możesz zachować bezpieczeństwo bez bólu głowy. Najnowocześniejsza technologia do wykrywania i neutralizowania wirusów, złośliwego oprogramowania i innych zagrożeń. Regularne aktualizacje gwarantujące zawsze najnowszą ochronę. Najważniejsze cechy programu F-Secure Antivirus Nie jest tajemnicą, że kupując F -Secure Antivirus zyskujesz coś więcej niż tylko podstawową ochronę. Oto kilka funkcji, które wyróżniają go z tłumu: Ochrona w czasie rzeczywistym: ochrona w czasie rzeczywistym, która stale chroni Cię podczas surfowania, grania lub pracy. Ochrona bankowości : dodatkowa warstwa bezpieczeństwa, gdy korzystasz z bankowości lub robisz zakupy online. Kontrola rodzicielska : Narzędzia zapewniające bezpieczeństwo i kontrolę nad korzystaniem z Internetu przez Twoje dzieci. Wydajność : Zoptymalizowany pod kątem szybkości, F-Secure Antivirus nie wpływa na wydajność twojego urządzenia. Zalety programu F-Secure Antivirus Spojrzenie na korzyści pokazuje, dlaczego zakup F -Secure Antivirus jest mądrą decyzją: Kompleksowa ochrona przed wszystkimi rodzajami złośliwego oprogramowania i zagrożeniami internetowymi. Ulepszone funkcje bezpieczeństwa dla bankowości internetowej i zakupów. Lekkie oprogramowanie, które działa w tle, nie spowalniając Twojej pracy. Funkcje kontroli rodzicielskiej, które chronią Twoje dzieci przed nieodpowiednimi treściami. Najważniejsze funkcje programu F-Secure Anti Virus Chroni Twój komputer przed wirusami, programami szpiegującymi i innym złośliwym oprogramowaniem Upewnij się, że masz zaawansowaną technologię usuwania złośliwego oprogramowania Odeprzyj złośliwe ataki na swój komputer Chroń swój komputer za pomocą proaktywnego rozwiązania zabezpieczającego Aktualizuj swoje rozwiązanie bezpieczeństwa dzięki automatycznym aktualizacjom Bezpiecznie korzystaj z komputera bez jego spowalniania F-SECURE - PORÓWNANIE PRODUKTÓW TOTAL BEZPIECZNY FREEDOME VPN OCHRONA ID Bezpieczeństwo w Internecie Antywirus Ochrona antywirusowa X X Ochrona przed oprogramowaniem ransomware X X Ochrona przeglądarki X X Ochrona bankowości X X X Kontrola rodzicielska X X X Osobista sieć VPN X X X X Ochrona sieci WLAN X X X X Wirtualna lokalizacja X X X X Ochrona przed śledzeniem X X X X Menedżer haseł X X X X Monitorowanie tożsamości X X X X Alarmy awarii danych X X X X Moje konto F-Secure X X X Obsługa klienta Windows 11, 10 macOS 12 (Monterey) lub nowszy X X Android 10.0 lub nowszy X X iOS 16.6 lub nowszy X X Zakres dostawy: Oryginalny klucz licencyjny F-Secure Anti Virus Zweryfikowany szybki link do pobrania, aby szybko i bezpiecznie pobrać oprogramowanie. Faktura z wykazanym podatkiem VAT. Instrukcje ułatwiające instalację. Wymagania systemowe F Secure Anti Virus: Obsługiwane systemy operacyjne i platformy Windows 10 Wersja 21H2 lub nowsza Windows 11 macOS 12 (Monterey) lub nowszy iOS w wersji 16.6 lub nowszej Android w wersji 10 lub nowszej Nasze oprogramowanie jest kompatybilne zarówno z komputerami Mac z procesorami Intel, jak i Apple Silicon. Pamiętaj, że tablety Windows oparte na architekturze ARM nie są obsługiwane. Dostępne języki čeština, dansk, Deutsch, eesti, Englisch, español, español latinoamericano, français, français canadien, italiano, magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, polski, português, português brasileiro, română, slovenščina, suomi, svenska, tiếng Việt, Türkçe, български, ελληνικά, русский, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文 (香港), 繁體中文 (台灣)
Price: 14.25 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
F-Secure ID Protection
Prevent online identity theft with continuous monitoring for data breaches and a password vault that makes logging into your accounts easier and more secure. Advantages of ID PROTECTION 24-hour monitoring of your personal information Thanks to a combination of human intelligence and monitoring of the dark web, we are the first to know when your personal information has been posted on the Internet. Warning and Expert Advice If a data leak occurs and your information has been published on the Internet, we will provide you with personalized expert advice for any type of personal information. Password Managers Identity theft and account takeovers are often due to a weak password. Create strong passwords, keep them safe, and access them from anywhere. Identity Theft Prevention Prevent identity the ft with this easy-to-use password management and data leakage monitoring solution. F-SECURE 2022 - PRODUCT COMPARISON TOTAL SAFE FREEDOME VPN ID PROTECTION Internet Security Anti-Virus Antivirus X X Ransomware protection X X Browser protection X X Banking protection X X X Parental control X X X Personal VPN X X X X WLAN protection X X X X Virtual location X X X X Tracking protection X X X X Password manager X X X X Identity monitoring X X X X Data breakdown alarms X X X X My F-Secure account X X X Customer Support Windows 11, Windows 10 version 21H2 or higher macOS 12 (Monterey) or higher X X Android from version 10 X X iOS version 16.6 or higher X X How ID PROTECTION protects you F-Secure ID PROTECTION is the first to detect when your personal information is affected by a data leak. How does it work? Simply enter your e-mail address E-mail monitoring immediately notifies you when your personal information, such as name, address or password, associated with the e-mail address you entered, is affected by a data leak. Monitor the web for data leaks We start monitoring as soon as you add the first email address in the mobile app. Thanks to our combination of dark web monitoring and human intelligence, you'll be the first to know when your personal data has been openly leaked to the Internet. Get alerts and help in real time Get notified directly and get expert help when your data is affected by a data leak. Be one step ahead of criminals and prevent a data leak from leading to identity theft. Create strong and unique passwords Keep full control of your passwords and keep them safe. Create strong passwords and automatically enter them into the online services you use. Make online payments more secure. All the features you need to prevent identity theft and protect your passwords Password Manager Autofill CredentialsOnline Identity Monitoring Data breach alertsMy F-Secure account. System requirement Windows 11, Windows 10 version 21H2 or higher macOS 12 (Monterey) or higher Android OS 10 and higher iOS version 16.6 or higher Specifications With a subscription for 5 devices, you can monitor up to 5 email addresses for data breaches. With a subscription for 10 devices, you can monitor up to 10 email addresses for privacy violations. Identity monitoring on the desktop can be accessed in My F-Secure. The password auto-completion feature is available for Chrome and Firefox. Available languages čeština, dansk, Deutsch, English, español, français, italiano, magyar, Nederlands, norsk, polski, português, suomi, svenska, tiếng Việt, Türkçe, ελληνικά, русский, 日本語, 繁體中文 (香港)
Price: 39.25 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
F-Secure Freedome VPN
F-Secure Freedome VPN Security, anonymity and privacy are just a few clicks away for users who buy F-Secure Freedome VPN . Behind this small but powerful software tool is the IT security company F-Secure, which was founded at Year in 1988 and is known for its anti-spam and antivirus programs, among other things. Freedome VPN , which is also part of F-Secure Total Security , is the step towards freedom and security on the Internet for users. Thanks to multiple redirection via VPN , surfing is possible without leaving any traces. This opens up numerous possibilities in everyday life. What is a VPN? The so-called "Virtual Private Network" (VPN) is a virtual private network that functions as a closed logical network. The participants are physically separated, although they are connected via an IP tunnel. A VPN allows users to access a local network or even their own network at any time while on the move, which is of great benefit both privately and professionally. Quickly calling up a presentation from the company network on a business trip is no problem via VPN or VPN software . At the same time, thanks to VPN, it is often possible to access professional matters that are often only available via the intranet. But F-Secure Freedome VPN can do much more. F-Secure - Product comparison F-Secure-Total F-Secure-Safe F-Secure Freedome VPN F-Secure-ID-Protection Internet Security F-Secure-Antivirus Virus protection X X Ransomware protection X X Browser protection X X Banking protection X X X Parental control X X X Personal VPN X X X X WLAN protection X X X X Virtual location X X X X Tracking protection X X X X Password manager X X X X Identity monitoring X X X X Data breach alarms X X X X My F-Secure account X X X Customer support Guaranteed security when surfing Security is the be-all and end-all in the digital age. Increasingly powerful computers, which can now crack many encryptions, are one of the reasons for this. With its VPN product, F-Secure also relies on a high level of security thanks to strong AES-265 encryption. The encryption is flanked by the IKEv2 and OpenVPN security protocols. In addition, users who purchase F-Secure Freedome VPN have the option of activating the built-in kill switch. This disconnects the Internet connection completely automatically if the VPN connection should ever fail. A real plus point for secure surfing without a hole in your digital invisibility cloak. The user-friendly solution for all Devices Users who purchase F-Secure Freedome VPN can use the VPN software not only on Windows computers. MacOS, iOS and AndroidDevices are also compatible with the software. Depending on the license package selected, the software offers efficient protection for up to seven Devices. And best of all: Users who rely on the product from the security experts in Finland do not need to have a great deal of specialist knowledge thanks to the intuitive user interface, easy-to-understand mechanisms and manageable complexity. Block tracking, surf securely on public WLANs User data is the new gold. No wonder so many website users are spied on through tracking. Thanks to F-Secure Freedome VPN , this has come to an end, as the software prevents third parties from gaining an insight into online activities. The comprehensive protection also applies to public Wi-Fi networks. As soon as users connect to a public Wi-Fi network, the software takes effect and encrypts all important data so that it cannot be read by others. This means that the Wi-Fi Internet connection is not only protected against hacker attacks at home, but also when out and about. Freedom of movement thanks to F-Secure Freedome VPN Another advantage of VPN software such as F-Secure Freedome VPN is the choice of a virtual location. This means that users do not have to rely on the random selection of an arbitrary location. The virtual location can be freely selected in individual cases. The provider currently has Server in more than 25 countries. This includes Server in the USA. Whether accessing international content from home or consuming local TV shows while on vacation abroad. The message "this content is not available in your country" is a thing of the past with the VPN solution from F-Secure is a thing of the past. System Requirements Supported Operating Systems and Platforms Windows 10 with the latest updates installed (all 64-bit editions; 32-bit editions are not supported) Windows 11 macOS 12 (Monterey) or higher iOS from version 16.6 Android 10 or higher Availability Available worldwide, with the exception of certain countries in the Middle East and China. Check the full country list to see where FREEDOME is available. No ads, unlimited bandwidth and full respect for your privacy. You can cancel at any time. Available Languages čeština, dansk, Deutsch, English, español, français, français canadien, italiano, magyar, Nederlands, norsk, polski, português, português brasileiro, suomi, svenska, русский, 日本語, 한국어...
Price: 14.25 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
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F-Secure Mobile Security
F-Secure Mobile Security F-Secure Mobile Security is the security solution for smartphones and many tablet computers. It protects the content on your Device, guarantees security when browsing on the move and helps if your Device is lost or stolen. Importance of content Is the content on your smartphone important to you? Imagine what would be at stake if your phone was lost, stolen or infected by mobile malware: All your content, messages, emails, photos... Simply incredible! Complete security solution Mobile Security is a complete solution for the security of your smartphone. This solution protects the content on your phone, allows you to browse the Internet safely on the Mobile and helps you if your phone is lost or stolen. Security solution for smartphones and tablets F-Secure Mobile Security is a complete security solution for smartphones and tablet computers. The solution protects the content of your device, keeps you and your children safe while surfing and supports you if your cell phone is lost or stolen. Protection while surfing With F-Secure Mobile Security, you know immediately which websites are safe to visit and which you should avoid. Websites that aim to spread malware or steal your online user data, e.g. access data for online banking, are automatically blocked so that you always enjoy optimum protection when you are online. Protection for children The parental control content monitoring function ensures that your children are protected from inappropriate or harmful web content. Device tracking in case of loss Mobile devices can easily be lost or stolen. It is therefore very important to protect the Device and be able to locate and control it remotely. The remote lock, remote wipe, alarm, locate and anti-theft functions help to protect confidential data and locate your device. Anti-theft function If the phone is stolen and the SIM card is replaced, the anti-theft function automatically locks the phone and informs you of the new number. F-Secure Mobile Security also allows you to locate people and places. F-Secure Mobile Security Labs Get automatic real-time protection against viruses, spyware, Trojans and malicious applications that are capable of leaking private information unnoticed. Automatically updated protection from the world-renowned F-Secure Labs ensures that you can use your Device with peace of mind - now and in the future. Comprehensive protection for mobile devices Protects online identity and ensures safe browsing. Protects children from inappropriate web content. Locates a lost Device or the current owner. Locks a Device after loss and deletes data. Protects against harmful apps, malware and viruses. Parental control Parental controls ensure that your children are protected from inappropriate web content. You can choose from predefined settings or from 15 different content categories. Updates and response times Regular automatic updates ensure that your smartphone is protected against new mobile threats as quickly as possible. F-Secure Labs guarantee the shortest response times and prompt action against new and current threats. Features of F-Secure Mobile Security Protects your personal and confidential content from viruses and malware. Enables safe browsing and protects your identity online. Finds your lost or stolen phone or the person with whom the phone is located. Protect your children from inappropriate web content. Locate your children at any time via their cell phone. The best mobile security apps for Android F-Secure Mobile Security offers the protection you need to stay safe on the go. Secure online banking and shopping Protect yourself and your Devices against viruses, spyware, hacker attacks and online identity theft. Complete mobile protection in one package Mobile antivirus for Android Unlimited mobile VPN Password manager with identity protection Included Original F-Secure Mobile Security license key Verified high-speed download link Invoice with VAT included Instructions for easy installation. Supported platforms Platform type System requirements Android Smartphone and Devices devices with Android 10 or higher iOS 16.6 or higher Available languages čeština, dansk, Deutsch, English, español, français, français canadien, hrvatski, magyar, Bahasa Indonesia, italiano, lietuvių, Nederlands, Norsk, polski, português, português brasileiro, slovenščina, suomi, svenska, tiếng Việt Türkçe, български, ελληνικά, русский, 日本語, 简体中文, 繁體中文.
Price: 42.82 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
F-Secure Antivirus
Product Information "F-Secure Anti-Virus " F-Secure Anti-Virus software builds on more than 30 years of experience in the industry, identifying, quarantining and neutralizing potential threats before they can cause damage to the device. In addition to viruses and Trojans, the antivirus software also takes care of protection against malware and spyware - without putting an unnecessary strain on the Windows PC's resources. The functions of the software at a glance Protection against viruses, malware, spyware and Trojans reliably removes malware that has already spread without leaving any residue optimized to conserve RAM and the PC's processor with regular updates available for 1 PC or up to 3 PCs Comprehensive protection with F-Secure Anti-Virus for your Windows PC Specifically designed for Windows systems, this anti-virus software identifies malicious software before it causes any damage to your system. To do this, it uses a continuously operating virus scanner that detects even modern and particularly complex viruses and Trojans at an early stage, moves them to quarantine and then asks you to take further action. Furthermore, you can check e-mail attachments immediately after receiving them so that you do not accidentally download malware. Advanced protection for your PC against online threats. Advanced malware protection for your PC. You need advanced detection and protection technology to protect your computer against modern and complex threats. F-Secure Anti-Virus provides real-time protection against viruses, spyware, infected e-mail attachments and other malware. Automatic updates and real-time responses ensure the fastest possible protection against all new threats. Fast response: thanks to real-time scanning and automatic updates F-Secure Anti-Virus takes advantage of both real-time scans and regular automatic updates. So, while the antivirus software is working in the background, you do not have to worry about anything else. When an update is available, for example after new threats appear on the Internet, it is automatically downloaded and installed. The software is thus immediately able to respond to new threats in the digital world. If your Windows PC is already (supposedly) infected with malware or malicious software, the software is able to remove both without leaving any residue. Advanced technologies ensure that even well-hidden malware is removed in a bundled fashion, preventing any potential leftovers from spreading further. The software is optimized so that it does not slow down the Windows PC unnecessarily, and therefore works even on outdated systems - Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 is a basic requirement. System Requirements Details Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 (64-bit) version 21H2 or later macOS 12 (Monterey) or later iOS 16.6 or later Android 10 or later Processor Intel Pentium 4 processor with at least 2 GHz (Windows) RAM 1 GB of RAM (minimum) Graphics Card N/A Sound Card N/A Hard Disk 1.2 GB (on Windows) Screen Minimum screen resolution of 1,024 x 768 pixels Buy smart software: fast & secure at Blitzhandel24 Available for one or three devices, you can download F-Secure Anti-Virus immediately after your purchase at Blitzhandel24 via instant download - so you don't waste time leaving your computer unprotected. Also included is F-Secure's free customer support: If you ever have a concern or question, you can contact the experienced team.
Price: 17.82 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
F-Secure Antivirus
Product Information "F-Secure Anti-Virus " F-Secure Anti-Virus software builds on more than 30 years of experience in the industry, identifying, quarantining and neutralizing potential threats before they can cause damage to the device. In addition to viruses and Trojans, the antivirus software also takes care of protection against malware and spyware - without putting an unnecessary strain on the Windows PC's resources. The functions of the software at a glance Protection against viruses, malware, spyware and Trojans reliably removes malware that has already spread without leaving any residue optimized to conserve RAM and the PC's processor with regular updates available for 1 PC or up to 3 PCs Comprehensive protection with F-Secure Anti-Virus for your Windows PC Specifically designed for Windows systems, this anti-virus software identifies malicious software before it causes any damage to your system. To do this, it uses a continuously operating virus scanner that detects even modern and particularly complex viruses and Trojans at an early stage, moves them to quarantine and then asks you to take further action. Furthermore, you can check e-mail attachments immediately after receiving them so that you do not accidentally download malware. Advanced protection for your PC against online threats. Advanced malware protection for your PC. You need advanced detection and protection technology to protect your computer against modern and complex threats. F-Secure Anti-Virus provides real-time protection against viruses, spyware, infected e-mail attachments and other malware. Automatic updates and real-time responses ensure the fastest possible protection against all new threats. Fast response: thanks to real-time scanning and automatic updates F-Secure Anti-Virus takes advantage of both real-time scans and regular automatic updates. So, while the antivirus software is working in the background, you do not have to worry about anything else. When an update is available, for example after new threats appear on the Internet, it is automatically downloaded and installed. The software is thus immediately able to respond to new threats in the digital world. If your Windows PC is already (supposedly) infected with malware or malicious software, the software is able to remove both without leaving any residue. Advanced technologies ensure that even well-hidden malware is removed in a bundled fashion, preventing any potential leftovers from spreading further. The software is optimized so that it does not slow down the Windows PC unnecessarily, and therefore works even on outdated systems - Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 is a basic requirement. System Requirements Details Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 (64-bit) version 21H2 or later macOS 12 (Monterey) or later iOS 16.6 or later Android 10 or later Processor Intel Pentium 4 processor with at least 2 GHz (Windows) RAM 1 GB of RAM (minimum) Graphics Card N/A Sound Card N/A Hard Disk 1.2 GB (on Windows) Screen Minimum screen resolution of 1,024 x 768 pixels Buy smart software: fast & secure at Blitzhandel24 Available for one or three devices, you can download F-Secure Anti-Virus immediately after your purchase at Blitzhandel24 via instant download - so you don't waste time leaving your computer unprotected. Also included is F-Secure's free customer support: If you ever have a concern or question, you can contact the experienced team.
Price: 21.39 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
F-Secure Antivirus
Product Information "F-Secure Anti-Virus " F-Secure Anti-Virus software builds on more than 30 years of experience in the industry, identifying, quarantining and neutralizing potential threats before they can cause damage to the device. In addition to viruses and Trojans, the antivirus software also takes care of protection against malware and spyware - without putting an unnecessary strain on the Windows PC's resources. The functions of the software at a glance Protection against viruses, malware, spyware and Trojans reliably removes malware that has already spread without leaving any residue optimized to conserve RAM and the PC's processor with regular updates available for 1 PC or up to 3 PCs Comprehensive protection with F-Secure Anti-Virus for your Windows PC Specifically designed for Windows systems, this anti-virus software identifies malicious software before it causes any damage to your system. To do this, it uses a continuously operating virus scanner that detects even modern and particularly complex viruses and Trojans at an early stage, moves them to quarantine and then asks you to take further action. Furthermore, you can check e-mail attachments immediately after receiving them so that you do not accidentally download malware. Advanced protection for your PC against online threats. Advanced malware protection for your PC. You need advanced detection and protection technology to protect your computer against modern and complex threats. F-Secure Anti-Virus provides real-time protection against viruses, spyware, infected e-mail attachments and other malware. Automatic updates and real-time responses ensure the fastest possible protection against all new threats. Fast response: thanks to real-time scanning and automatic updates F-Secure Anti-Virus takes advantage of both real-time scans and regular automatic updates. So, while the antivirus software is working in the background, you do not have to worry about anything else. When an update is available, for example after new threats appear on the Internet, it is automatically downloaded and installed. The software is thus immediately able to respond to new threats in the digital world. If your Windows PC is already (supposedly) infected with malware or malicious software, the software is able to remove both without leaving any residue. Advanced technologies ensure that even well-hidden malware is removed in a bundled fashion, preventing any potential leftovers from spreading further. The software is optimized so that it does not slow down the Windows PC unnecessarily, and therefore works even on outdated systems - Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 is a basic requirement. System Requirements Details Operating System Windows 11, Windows 10 (64-bit) version 21H2 or later macOS 12 (Monterey) or later iOS 16.6 or later Android 10 or later Processor Intel Pentium 4 processor with at least 2 GHz (Windows) RAM 1 GB of RAM (minimum) Graphics Card N/A Sound Card N/A Hard Disk 1.2 GB (on Windows) Screen Minimum screen resolution of 1,024 x 768 pixels Buy smart software: fast & secure at Blitzhandel24 Available for one or three devices, you can download F-Secure Anti-Virus immediately after your purchase at Blitzhandel24 via instant download - so you don't waste time leaving your computer unprotected. Also included is F-Secure's free customer support: If you ever have a concern or question, you can contact the experienced team.
Price: 24.96 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
* All prices are inclusive of VAT and, if applicable, plus shipping costs. The offer information is based on the details provided by the respective shop and is updated through automated processes. Real-time updates do not occur, so deviations can occur in individual cases.